Our CASA Curriculum
Our curriculum follows the Montessori guidelines, using the Montessori Method. We evaluate our students by using the Montessori Theory. There are five Montessori Curriculum areas: Practical Life, Sensorial, Math, Language, and Culture. We also offer a Balanced Literacy programme for early readers in both French and English. Our special Arts programme allows children to develop foundational skills in learning Music, Visual Arts, Drama and Dance that help foster a lifelong love and appreciation for the arts. Our unique facility with an indoor playground provides exceptional benefits to gross motor development as well as exposures to different areas of physical activities.
The 5 Areas of
Montessori Curriculum

Develops fine motor skills, eye and hand co-ordination, concentration and confidence. Everyday Living Skills activities are important to teach children to function in their own environment and find their place in their world and culture. They enhance the development of task organization and cognitive order through care of self, care of the environment, exercises of grace and courtesy, and refinement of physical movement and coordination.

Promotes the development and refinement of the five senses. The sensorial materials enable the child to order, classify, seriate and describe sensory impressions in relation, length, width, temperature, mass, color, etc. Children learn through their senses and all materials in a Montessori environment through touch, taste, smell, sight, hearing or hands-on manipulation.

Including Arts, Science, Geography, History, Music, Social Skills. â–ºCulture: introduces the child to the world and its people, through the use of sensorial materials, language lessons, stories and simple experiments. â–ºGeography: learning about continents, oceans, countries and flags of the world. â–ºScience: an introduction to animals, habitats, and the cosmic system. â–ºHistory of humanity, grace and courtesy, social development. â–ºArts are integrated into the Culture curriculum throughout the day.

Develops fine motor skills, eye and hand co-ordination, concentration and confidence. Everyday Living Skills activities are important to teach children to function in their own environment and find their place in their world and culture. They enhance the development of task organization and cognitive order through care of self, care of the environment, exercises of grace and courtesy, and refinement of physical movement and coordination.
Our Special Programs

The French language is one of the primary instructional languages for all Montessori curriculum areas so that our students are exposed to a wide range of vocabulary. Daily immersion and interactive lessons including songs, games, and drama encourage our young learners to develop oral speaking and listening skills. Older children may extend their vocabulary through the Montessori Language methods in reading and writing.

For early readers, we emphasizes the instruction of grammar and vocabulary in the context of a narrative or text, as well as a phonetic approach. A system of benchmark reading levels is used to monitor individual progress with a variety of interactive assessment tools, such as Reading A to Z. Children who are ready for this program will have the opportunity to borrow books at their reading level for practice at home.

Character building activities focusing on Kindness, Respect, Responsibility, Courtesy, and Classroom Community are presented during circle time and practiced throughout each day. In our Montessori classrooms, children learn to take care of themselves, their environment and each other. Practical Life and Character Development activities such as cleaning, team building, moving gracefully, speaking politely, being considerate and helpful, etc. help develop healthy social skills.

The French language is one of the primary instructional languages for all Montessori curriculum areas so that our students are exposed to a wide range of vocabulary. Daily immersion and interactive lessons including songs, games, and drama encourage our young learners to develop oral speaking and listening skills. Older children may extend their vocabulary through the Montessori Language methods in reading and writing.